Country Friends
18 Cardinal Drive
Dudley, MA 01571
Note: I am having problems with my business number. Call the number above and leave a message if there is no answer and I will return your call.

Cindy Martin

Please feel free to contact me by e-mail or by phone if you have any questions on any of my patterns. I try to be very clear when typing the directions, and include everything I think possible, and explain the best I can, but if you still are just "LOST".....don't be afraid to just ASK!!!!!
If you have ordered an e-pattern you should receive it within a few hours. If you don't please check your "junk" folder. Sometimes the patterns don't go thru, so if after 6 hours or so and you don't receive it, please e-mail me and ask!!!! You should not have to wait more than 24 hours to receive an e-pattern!!!